Political Sexual Assault and the Left

So the recent firing of Bill O’Reilly leaves me wondering about feminism and what it actually considers to be worth going after. There is a report, ongoing, that O’Reilly propositioned some women to go back to his hotel room.  This is apparently sexual harassment to the left, after all O’Reilly is a conservative in their […]
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All or Some

Ever had an argument with someone on the left and done this: Me: We need to be wary of radical Islamic terrorist. Lefty: You’re islamophobic, you are aware that not all muslims are terrorists. It leave me going, huh?  What just happened?  I’m sure you’ve seen it as well.
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Immigration Vetting

A lot of mudslinging out there over the immigrant ban done by President Trump. Is it bad, or good, a lot of which depends on your political view. First off, I’ll say as a nation we cannot take in every refugee no matter what is said. Its not a good idea no matter what. There […]
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Terror Attacks

Bombing and stabbings, oh my! Seems like the world went a little crazy over the weekend.  It all started with a bombing before a Marine Corps run in New Jersey.  Then another bombing in New York. Add in a multiple stabbing in Minnesota where the stabber was reported to be asking if people were muslim. Of […]
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Liberal Logic?

So, a bit of liberal logic according tot them. If a Catholic priest is found with pictures of child porn on his computer, its a sign for the left to tell the jokes that all priests are pedophiles, and perverts.  Its a reason why the Catholic religion is a plague on humanity. If a white […]
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Brits Exit EU

In a shocker, British citizens have voted to leave the European Union. Now, as a result the media is flooded with fear mongering about an economic collapse and worse. Will such things happen?  Its actually anyone’s guess at best.  But going straight to fear will not help anything, and will only make things worse.  But […]
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Radical Muslims, The Small Minority?

With increasing tensions happening Europe between muslim ‘refugees’ and citizens of Western nations its interesting to listen to liberals. They tell those of us who are Western citizens ‘we’ must change for the refugees. They also tend to think that the radical muslims are small in number.  But are they? Most international groups, and even the […]
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White House Refuses to Believe in Radical Muslims

With recent radical muslim terror attacks on places like Paris there is growing confusion on why the White House continues to ignore such actions.  They seem to want to believe that islam could never produce such people. With islam having some 1.3 billion followers, and experts saying between 5-15% of them are radicals, that’s at […]
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Obama Again Shows Lack of Leadership

Once again the Obama Administration has shown a lack of leadership in regards to what is going in the world.  Recently there was a terrorist attack in Paris.  This has thrust radical muslims onto the center stage of the world. In a surprising show of unity against such actions by the radical muslim groups, one […]
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