There is a new trend for left wing women, and its not shaving their heads. Its the 4Bs. Don’t know what they are, simple: No Dating No Marriage No Sex No Kids This list has left wing women hoping men are shaking in their boots.
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Posts tagged with 'women'
Sports and PC
Sports these days are becoming increasingly more and more ‘politically correct’ and infected by the SJW crowd. This isn’t a good thing. There were two incidents just recently which occurred that had me questioning things. First off, this morning I read an article about the Detroit Tigers who fired one of the coaching staff. Why? […]
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Hollywood’s Hypocrisy and Sexual Assault
There was a big deal recently over Harvey Weinstein and women coming out talking about how he sexually assaulted, or abused him. Now, such things have come out about Hollywood now for years, even decades of women being abused, or forced for sexual favors in order to get the part of some movie or TV […]
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Modern Feminism
So while watching a video on women in the military, I read an interesting comment. A lot of guys wouldn’t hesitate to jump on a grenade to save his fellow soldiers. Would a female? In society all too often we see and hear about how a guy sacrifices himself for others, yet I can’t recall […]
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Political Sexual Assault and the Left
So the recent firing of Bill O’Reilly leaves me wondering about feminism and what it actually considers to be worth going after. There is a report, ongoing, that O’Reilly propositioned some women to go back to his hotel room. This is apparently sexual harassment to the left, after all O’Reilly is a conservative in their […]
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Biological Gender?
That about sums up the stupidity from the left. Don’t assume gender, yet they fight for women’s rights.
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Political Racism and Sexism
Often we hear, especially from the left, that this person or group is racist, or sexist. But is it? Do they really think that way or is it all political? Take the following statement: She should be in the kitchen, not making speeches, after all that’s where a woman belongs. That, I think, every can […]
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Fighting Back
With the number of islam refugees soaring, and government officials bending over backwards to accommodate the influx of these ‘refugees’, things have escalated quickly lately. There are a growing number of reports of crime, rape and other incidents against women in the areas where these refugees have settled down. However, in spite of the lack […]
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Bathroom Cartoon
This used to be funny, now its coming soon to a restroom near you.
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Science and Islam
Liberals love to complain how Christians don’t support science. But they seem to ignore Islam and science so here are a few wonderful examples of Islam and science.
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Refugees Welcome?
Came across this: In the typical liberal twisted way they are telling women rape only lasts 30 seconds but racism is forever? I’m sure every woman who has been raped forgets what happened the moment its over. Muslim refugees have no respect to Western culture, or women yet liberals want us to roll over and […]
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Liberal Rape Mindset
Found this one over at the great site
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Why is it whenever you see pictures like the one here of refugees all we see are young males? It really should make you ask the following questions: Where are the women? Children? Middle aged? The old? Why is there only young men in this group. It looks more like an invading army than a […]
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