Political Cartoons
About sums it up.
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Hillary’s Media Political Cartoon
This about nails it.
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Last year I had a health problem, ended up with back surgery and for a while couldn’t move my legs. This gave me an interesting perspective on the political cartoon which I’ve seen before: 2014, this cartoon wasn’t as personal to me. Today, having been in a wheelchair, I’d kick Kevin’s ass.
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Guilty as Charged
Saw this and had to agree, I’m guilty for believing this. The only one among this list is the birther, never really got into that one. I criticized Obama over his handling of it.
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Bathroom Cartoon
This used to be funny, now its coming soon to a restroom near you.
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From the folks over at PC Gone Wild:
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Cartoon Summarizes Society
You’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t by certain groups in society.
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Democrat Candidates
This meme tells the truth about the candidates on both the Republican and Democrat side.
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How Socialism Works
A cartoon that shows how socialism works.
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PP to DNC, Follow the Money
follow the money from the taxpayer to the DNC through PP.
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Hillary Clinton Scandals – Political Cartoon
Yeah, its about like that.
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