Illegal Immigration

Government shutdown, everyone screaming about illegal immigrants, no, that’s only the right as the left denies there is such a thing as illegal immigrants.  Everyone blaming everyone for this problem. I am not sure the wall is the answer, but border security is needed.  I say this yet the left only seems to care about […]
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All or Some

Ever had an argument with someone on the left and done this: Me: We need to be wary of radical Islamic terrorist. Lefty: You’re islamophobic, you are aware that not all muslims are terrorists. It leave me going, huh?  What just happened?  I’m sure you’ve seen it as well.
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Obama Ignores His Own Words

In his speech last night, which was telecast on select networks, and avoided the mainstream networks, Obama seemed to say he will enact amnesty with an executive order.  But let’s go back in time. July of 2008: “I fought with you in the Senate for comprehensive immigration reform. And I will make it a top priority […]
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The Illegal Game

Immigration has been quite the hot topic ever since the election, in which the Republicans won the Senate and kept the House.  President Obama has gone on to focus on this topic. Really, you hear from both sides the normal talking points, especially democrats lately about how this is a topic which needs desperate resolution.   […]
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Ebola is in the USA

So the first confirmed case of Ebola has shown up here in the USA.  The question now becomes how does the medical and government communities react to prevent it from spreading to more people. With such a virus spreading though places in Africa, it would be assumed that travel restrictions might be in place.  Hospitals […]
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Obama’s Immigration Plan

So, after several months of the growing crisis along the border the President has finally made a decision.  He will delay any action until the end of the year.  To many this seems almost outrageous that he will take so much time before implementing an executive order. The reality is no one should be surprised […]
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The ISIS Threat

More people now know about the growing threat of isis, or isil, or Islamic State.  This group, which President Obama and his staff referred to as a ‘jayvee’ team has grown in the past couple of months and is terrorizing entire areas of Iraq. ISIS is a group which hates anyone that does not follow their […]
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Trucker at the Border

A video is sweeping though the internet showing a trucker approaching what is claimed to be a border crossing.  What is both surprising, eye-opening and very disturbing is how the trucker goes though the crossing.  It all looks normal, he approaches, then is questioned by the border guard. The guard asks if he has anyone […]
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Illegal Immigration Out of Control

An old saying goes like this, ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’.  This is exactly what American citizens are dealing with regarding the current immigration crisis.  A deliberately created crisis by liberals to force their agenda on everyone in the country. What is their agenda?  Simple, amnesty. Yep, amnesty, that’s it.  They have […]
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Liberals New Buzz Word

Anyone following the immigration crisis may have noticed a disturbing trend lately.  The elimination of the word immigrant when talking about the tens of thousands of children immigrants.  They no longer use the words illegal alien either, they have become migrants. Now, doesn’t that word make you feel so much better.  They are only migrants, […]
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Immigrant Medical Emergency?

So, I read a story here, and it alarms me a bit, especially if its true.  The article mentions medical staff members who were/are treating the immigrating children coming into the USA. There is horrible stories of lice, scabies, as well as measles and small pox among the diseases in the set up camp.  To […]
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Increase in Illegals Not A Crisis – Democrats

In the past couple of days President Obama and House Minority Leader Pelosi have come out with some comments about the recent increase in young illegals showing up on the US border.  Recently Pelosi made a trip down to the border to ‘check’ things out for herself.  Here’s what she had to say about the situation: “We need to […]
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