Immigration Vetting

A lot of mudslinging out there over the immigrant ban done by President Trump. Is it bad, or good, a lot of which depends on your political view. First off, I’ll say as a nation we cannot take in every refugee no matter what is said. Its not a good idea no matter what. There […]
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15 years ago Americans were changed. We woke up that morning to a normal, typical Tuesday in September.  We went about our daily lives in blissful ignorance, our concerns were on getting to work, paying bills, studying, going to class, or a hundred other things which had little to do with what was about to […]
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White House Refuses to Believe in Radical Muslims

With recent radical muslim terror attacks on places like Paris there is growing confusion on why the White House continues to ignore such actions.  They seem to want to believe that islam could never produce such people. With islam having some 1.3 billion followers, and experts saying between 5-15% of them are radicals, that’s at […]
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ISIS Beheads American Reporter

With all the news stations so focused on Ferguson and the shooting of Michael Brown, some big news was overlooked within the past couple of days regarding isis. A video surfaced in the past couple of days of a missing American journalist, James Foley, in the hands of isis.  What they did next is barbaric, but […]
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Malik Obama

Malik Obama, our current US President’s half-brother, step-brother, or whatever they wish to call themselves.  Many of the left name him Barack’s half-brother.  Indeed, the Huffington Post lists about a half dozen articles calling in Obama’s half-brother. Last year he tried to win over the governor in Kenya.  He failed in his run for office, […]
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Christians (and Jews) Mean Nothing to Obama

President Barack Obama recently stated the following remark” The President stated that Ramadan ““reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at home and around the world, […]
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