Media’s Job

I did a post not long ago regarding the media, Trump and trust.  Now, just a few days ago it comes out that MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski made a comment which does not add to the trust of the media. She said, ‘Its our job to control what people think’. This about this for a second.  […]
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Media, Trust and Trump

President Trump went and had his first meeting with the media and there seems to be a lot of aftermath surrounding it. From the left there are trumpets of how Trump has destroyed the trust of the media. Media and trust? Those two words have not gone together now for years, if not decades for […]
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Vetting Immigrants

Vetting it not as big a deal as the left would have you believe.  In fact, one can trace such things back as a logical step when allowing immigrants into a country. Back in the late 1800s we used the word quarantine instead of vetting because the threat was different.  But a threat did exist […]
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Government and Technology

A few days ago reading the paper I was struck by something I read about inspecting the oil rigs. Apparently there are not enough inspectors for the number of rigs. As a result, according to the government there are not enough inspectors to make sure the roil rigs are operating properly. That wasn’t all, it […]
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Outrage? Or Fake Outrage?

Lately there has been a lot out outrage over what President Trump has done and said.  But its more of a political false outrage than anything else.  The protesters are not even protesting what was said, but who said it for no other reason than politics. I’ll take two examples here. Imagine this statement: We […]
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Super Bowl Half Time Show

The upcoming Super Bowl and its half-time show. A show which has not been without controversy in recent years. From Janet Jackson’s infamous wardrobe ‘malfunction’ to last years ‘black panthers’ and anti-cop perceived theme with Beyoncé. This year the entertainer is Lady Gaga. And she had stated to being even more controversy to the show, […]
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Protests at Berkeley Quiet Free Speech

On Wednesday night at Berkeley University there was supposed to be a speaker talking on campus. He is an outspoken gay man who is not afraid to speak his mind. However, this man was never given the chance to speak. Instead a group of homophobic protesters showed up sparking violence amongst the protesters. What happened […]
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Executive Orders

I see a lot of hoopla over the recent executive orders by President Trump. Both sides have engaged in mindless stupidity over this, but once again the left takes the lead. A couple of years ago I commented on an article in some online news site about another President. The article was defending something which […]
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50 years ago I would have no problem taking in the refugees and probably the discussion would exist.  So, what’s changed that we are having this discussion now?  I see several causes. First, the problem is that as a country, we are broke.  There is no other way around it.  The current debt is close […]
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Immigration Vetting

A lot of mudslinging out there over the immigrant ban done by President Trump. Is it bad, or good, a lot of which depends on your political view. First off, I’ll say as a nation we cannot take in every refugee no matter what is said. Its not a good idea no matter what. There […]
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Politics and Science

So suddenly there is a lot of talk about science, and scientists, and politics.  Many, especially those who lean left are saying politics cannot be involved in science. Wrong. First off, the fact a scientist cannot be political is quite honestly, disturbing at best.  Can those political views influence the scientists.  You bet. Back in […]
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President Trump

So its been a couple of days now since the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, and some things have been in the news. What’s really made news? Pictures of how many people attended the inauguration.  Really?  Comparing inaugurations as if that is a status of how good a person […]
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45st President, Donald Trump

Today we inaugurate the newest President of the United States, Donald Trump. His victory was stunning in the elections in November 2016.  He did what no one thought he had a chance of doing. Winning Now, as I look on to the next four years under Trump, I hope he does a good job.  The […]
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