A Dark Conspiracy to a Dictator

I am going to start this post by giving a disclaimer.  This is a conspiracy idea, not factual, nor is it real (at least I hope it never become real). We are closer than ever before in our history as a country to having a dictator.  No, I do not mean Trump, or anything the […]
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9/11 and Saudi Arabia

Lately there have been several news reports involving Saudi Arabia and links to 9/11. First off there is a bill in Congress to allow US citizens to sue the Saudi Arabia’s government over what happened.  Many, including Ryan and McConnell are against the bill and the Saudi government itself has threatened reparations if the bill […]
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What are Facts?

With all the ‘facts’ flying from both democrats, republicans, liberals and conservatives I thought I mention that fact can, and are, twisted depending on the point of view. Don’t believe me, wait and see. Let’s pursue the following example of Dihydrogen Monoxide, or DHMO. I think we should ban DHMO.  Why? DHMO is a major […]
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