
Well, another shooting has occurred, and as my custom I wait a bit before speaking about it.  I do this to let rumors die down, and for the truth to hopefully come forth. What has come to my attention, isn’t that we need to ban guns, but once more its something about society. Let’s look […]
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The Transcript

By now people have heard the ‘released’ version of the transcript of the 911 call by the Orlando shooter.  The meme does a good job showing what was really said (except Islam, its actually Islamic State): Now, why did they have to omit islam, isis and change allah to God. Its a simple answer, they […]
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No Islam

So, they are going to be releasing of the tapes for the Orlando shooter.  Only one problem.  They decided to edit out all mention of the word islam, or isis. The question becomes why censor the words islam or isis, or anything unless there is an ulterior motive going on.  But then, anyone who thinks about […]
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Orlando Shooting Thoughts

The tragedy of the Orlando shooting should also be a wake up call to all Americans.  Instead we find the same, tiring rhetoric by the left.  We need to ban guns. But I have come away with three things which struck me. First, the moment the religion of islam was associated with the attack it was […]
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