Well, another shooting has occurred, and as my custom I wait a bit before speaking about it. I do this to let rumors die down, and for the truth to hopefully come forth. What has come to my attention, isn’t that we need to ban guns, but once more its something about society. Let’s look […]
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Posts tagged with 'republican'
Convention Difference Meme
This is what the media wanted us to believe.
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Go Trump
Well, after considering everyone, I’m tossing in my support for Trump. Let’s face it, the democrat party has become far to left-wing/socialist/corrupt to even consider supporting.
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GOP Convention
So, reading media, social media, twitter and such the GOP Convention came. What was the big story? Trump winning the nomination? Nope, it was actually a speech given by Melania Trump. It appears that she took some 50 or so words from a speech that Michelle Obama gave 8 years ago. The amount of attention […]
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Trump Names VP
Republican candidate Donald Trump has come out and named Indiana Gov. Mike Pence as his VP selection. He ran unsuccessfully for Congress one, was a lawyer, also has a degree in history. Was elected to the House and in 2012 was elected as governor of Indiana. Pence is considered a conservative with ties to the TEA […]
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Primary Update – 3/9/16
After a couple more states are added into the voting, we have new updates with the Presidential primaries: Democrats, had primaries in two states, Sanders won Michigan and Clinton won Mississippi. The results are now Clinton leads 1221 to 571. Republicans had four states. Trump won Hawaii, Michigan and Mississippi while Cruz won Idaho. Trump […]
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Sanders Supporters
I can’t say this is true, yet the stupidity of Sanders supporters makes such memes sound truthful. If it is true, it only shows how dumb and ignorant Sanders supporters really are.
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Democrat Candidates
This meme tells the truth about the candidates on both the Republican and Democrat side.
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Trump Missing Debate
The latest is now Donald Trump is going to miss the FOX News debates because he thinks Megan Kelly isn’t fair. Only a couple of thoughts on this one. I can’t say I really care much about this bit of news or that I’m even hyped upon another Republican debate. They’ve had too many so […]
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Liberal Logic
Another funny picture by those over at Liberal Logic 101, sadly, its true.
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Lena Dunham’s Rape Claim
I wish to start off this discussion with yes, there is a problem of rape on college campuses. It does need to be addressed. There is no reason a young woman should have to fear that a man, or group of men might sexually assault her. Its not fun, its nothing to be proud of. […]
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Voting Machine ‘Calibration’ Error
There have been reports for a while now about voting machines switching people’s votes from what voters thought was a Republican vote to a democrat one. I have the utmost confidence that this will be reported on news stations like CNN and MSNBC, not. Once again reports are coming in from several states of touch […]
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