The left always seems to leave me confused most days. Recently that confusion has only grown making me wonder if they even know what they are protesting or doing. Its been almost two years since a certain Charleston Church shooting happened which tragically killed 9 people. In that shooting the left tried to tie it […]
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Posts tagged with 'terror'
50 years ago I would have no problem taking in the refugees and probably the discussion would exist. So, what’s changed that we are having this discussion now? I see several causes. First, the problem is that as a country, we are broke. There is no other way around it. The current debt is close […]
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Terror Attacks
Bombing and stabbings, oh my! Seems like the world went a little crazy over the weekend. It all started with a bombing before a Marine Corps run in New Jersey. Then another bombing in New York. Add in a multiple stabbing in Minnesota where the stabber was reported to be asking if people were muslim. Of […]
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15 years ago Americans were changed. We woke up that morning to a normal, typical Tuesday in September. We went about our daily lives in blissful ignorance, our concerns were on getting to work, paying bills, studying, going to class, or a hundred other things which had little to do with what was about to […]
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No Islam
So, they are going to be releasing of the tapes for the Orlando shooter. Only one problem. They decided to edit out all mention of the word islam, or isis. The question becomes why censor the words islam or isis, or anything unless there is an ulterior motive going on. But then, anyone who thinks about […]
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Liberals Wrong Again
Once more liberals have been shown to not be in the realm of reality when it comes to foreign policy. Over the weekend radical terrorists rushed into hotels in Mali killing at random while yelling ‘Allahu akbar’. It took hours before security forces and U.N. personal to arrive and end the horror. Back in 2012 […]
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I’d Like to Buy a Vowel – Political Cartoon
Sad but true of this administration.
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White House Refuses to Believe in Radical Muslims
With recent radical muslim terror attacks on places like Paris there is growing confusion on why the White House continues to ignore such actions. They seem to want to believe that islam could never produce such people. With islam having some 1.3 billion followers, and experts saying between 5-15% of them are radicals, that’s at […]
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Obama Again Shows Lack of Leadership
Once again the Obama Administration has shown a lack of leadership in regards to what is going in the world. Recently there was a terrorist attack in Paris. This has thrust radical muslims onto the center stage of the world. In a surprising show of unity against such actions by the radical muslim groups, one […]
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UK Takes ISIS Threat Seriously
November 26, 2008. a group of ten radical Islamic terrorists attacked, bombed, shot and held hostage people in the city of Mumbai, India. The attack lasted until the 29th of November killing 164 people and injuring some 600 people. Now with threats from ISIS counter-terror groups in the UK are looking at such soft targets […]
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