George Clooney, the actor who has been outspoken against Trump and his stand against illegal immigration. Clooney has stated that the President is an ‘idiot’ and is ‘intolerant’. Clooney went so far as to move from the US, one of the few who did, to the UK. HE’s even said the following about Angela Merkel’s […]
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Posts tagged with 'terrorism'
Terror Attacks
Earlier there was the terror attack in Manchester, now, London. Both attacks are tied to muslim terrorist attackers and yet, I fully expect the left to defend these attackers. So, with that thought, here is a cartoon which gives an explanation of what will happen:
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New Media and Terror Attacks
This about sums it up, from the page. Visit them orlike them on facebook or twitter.
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50 years ago I would have no problem taking in the refugees and probably the discussion would exist. So, what’s changed that we are having this discussion now? I see several causes. First, the problem is that as a country, we are broke. There is no other way around it. The current debt is close […]
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The Transcript
By now people have heard the ‘released’ version of the transcript of the 911 call by the Orlando shooter. The meme does a good job showing what was really said (except Islam, its actually Islamic State): Now, why did they have to omit islam, isis and change allah to God. Its a simple answer, they […]
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Radical Muslims, The Small Minority?
With increasing tensions happening Europe between muslim ‘refugees’ and citizens of Western nations its interesting to listen to liberals. They tell those of us who are Western citizens ‘we’ must change for the refugees. They also tend to think that the radical muslims are small in number. But are they? Most international groups, and even the […]
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Radical Islam
With the recent shooting and attacks on Paris, its time the left understands what Cruz said. You cannot win a war if you cannot even know who the enemy is. Then again, sometimes I wonder if the left is more concerned with being Anti-Christian than anything else.
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If Only…
If only it was that easy to stop terrorism, but I fear the liberals do not grasp the real reasons behind terrorism. After all, to them if we offer them a job and work on climate change, everything will be all right. If only…
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Islamic Terrorism
Saw this by our President yesterday and thought the same thing even before the attacks happened in Paris.
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