The Transcript

By now people have heard the ‘released’ version of the transcript of the 911 call by the Orlando shooter.  The meme does a good job showing what was really said (except Islam, its actually Islamic State): Now, why did they have to omit islam, isis and change allah to God. Its a simple answer, they […]
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Orlando Shooting

There is one disturbing aspect of this recent shooting in Orlando. 100+ people were killed or injured, and according to reports it was done by 1 person using guns (which, again according to sources, he bought legally). Now the gun thing, shove it, not what bothers me. Reading stories from people inside.  There is one […]
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Orlando Shooting Thoughts

The tragedy of the Orlando shooting should also be a wake up call to all Americans.  Instead we find the same, tiring rhetoric by the left.  We need to ban guns. But I have come away with three things which struck me. First, the moment the religion of islam was associated with the attack it was […]
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