FBI not Proscuting Hillary

So yesterday the big hub-bub was over the FBI and their decision regarding Hillary.  Here is a quote from the statement: “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or […]
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Lois Lerner is the Victim?

Lois Lerner, the official whose claim to fame is wrapped up within the IRS scandal.  The same person who went before a board of Congress members, ranted and raved at them, then turned and pled the 5th.  The same one whose e-mails mysteriously disappeared due to her laptops hard drive failing is now claiming something […]
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FBI’s Poor Investigating of IRS

The targeting of conservative groups by the IRS, according to liberals, is nothing but a fantasy made up by the right.  If that is true, then any investigation would be easy to prove that point.  However, it appears things are not quite as convincing as the left likes to have us think. The latest information […]
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IRS Stalls

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen seemed to have no answers, surprisingly, when questioned last night.  He shifted and dodged blame like a professional democratic politician when asked questions. He thought there was no wrongdoing going on at the IRS.  Why?  Common sense told him so.  What?  Did they even bother to look? Let’s not forget the […]
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IRS Scandal

Yes, I’m calling it a scandal not a conspiracy, or a might have happened, but a scandal. The latest news about this scandal revolves around missing e-mails from Lois Lerner.  Now, for several years members of Congress have been asking for these e-mails, hoping they shed some light on what happened.  Some believe these e-mails […]
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