I have mentioned Colin Kaepernick before but lately I read an article on MSN about how players in the NFL overwhelmingly think he should be playing. Um, no, just no. I love my NFL team, they didn’t do so well, but there is promise for the future. But Kap, I never liked. I never saw […]
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Posts tagged with 'Kaepernick'
Kaepernick and Nike
It appears that Nike has a new face for their ad campaign coming up and its none other than Colin Kaepernick. The same one who started the whole kneeling before games to protest during the national anthem. Of course it pissed of a bunch of people, unless you’re living under a rock and didn’t think […]
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Alejandro Villanueva Stands
Well last weekend a Pittsburgh Steeler, Alejandro Villanueva, came out of the locker room and stood for the national anthem. Doing so was his right, the same right Kaepernick had to kneel. But Villanueva was forced to apologize for his actions while Kap did not. So what’s the difference between the two? Villanueva stood which […]
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I was watching some videos about Colin Kaepernick and reading through the comments when something struck me, an observation if you will. A person is racist if they do not support Kap. Think about that statement. A person is racist if they don’t support Kap. They are saying it doesn’t matter who you support, what […]
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No One Wants Kaepernick
Colin Kaepernick and his supporters are aghast that the free agent QB hasn’t been picked up since splitting with his former team, the 49ers. With everything from racism to politics being slung about out there, let’s look at something else his supporters might not want to look at. He’s just not that good. Yep, he’s just not […]
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QB Won’t Stand for National Anthem
San Francisco 49ers QB, Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem during a pre-season game and stirred up a controversy. According tot he QB he stats: “I won’t stand for a national anthem in a country that oppresses black people.” However, he’s stirred up something that perhaps he now wished he had not. […]
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