Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, and you might want to, you’ve seen or heard about Gillette’s recent commercial. I’ve seen a lot of different replies to the ad, but I’d like to add something. Personally I view the commercial as a failure. Yes, a failure. Oh sure, the left is rejoicing about how […]
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Posts tagged with 'commerical'
Youth In Commercial
By now, most of you have seen the following commercial by Liberty Mutual Insurance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_Rkahsi7c8 I despise the commercial. No, despise isn’t a strong enough word. Why? Look at what is shows. You have three teens who got a flat tire. What do they do? Call someone else. Think about that sad statement. They called […]
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Super Bowl Results
For those watching, once again on Sunday there was the Super Bowl, and people are talking about it. First off, it appears Lady Gaga nailed the national anthem. It was refreshing to hear a singer give the song the justice it deserved without being overbearing. It was nice, and overall it improved her image to […]
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