Youth In Commercial

By now, most of you have seen the following commercial by Liberty Mutual Insurance: I despise the commercial.  No, despise isn’t a strong enough word. Why? Look at what is shows.  You have three teens who got a flat tire.  What do they do?  Call someone else. Think about that sad statement.  They called someone […]
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Today’s Youth

Was watching several YouTube videos about kids playing old NES games and something struck me.  These kids sucked at old games which should have been easier to play.  Only eight directions on the gamepad, two buttons, A or B, and yet they lacked decision making. Three games, Contra, Mega Man and Super Metroid the kids all […]
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The youth of today don’t know what Socialism is.  They hear about how great it is, and that’s the lure.  It sounds great.  Equality for all. However the truth is much harder, stark and depressing. A professor I back about 1990 or so, was from Poland.  He told us a story of the first time his mom […]
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