John Kerry Opens His Mouth Again

US Secretary of State, John Kerry, once more when talking about the events of the Middle East has misspoke. “As I went around and met with people in the course of our discussions,” Kerry told his muslim audience, a dinner for the muslim Eid al-Adha, “there wasn’t a leader I met with in the region […]
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The hamas PR Machine

With another round of violence in the near future, after hamas rejected the latest cease-fire proposals, the groups actions towards journalists is coming out. Hamas is a group which publically states they are fighting for a free Palestine.  News reports of the fighting seem to show a blood-thirty Israel against the poor, barely hanging on […]
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This Conservative to Obama

Today Obama, in Kansas City, Obama directed some harsh criticism towards Republicans and conservatives. “C’mon and help out a bit. Stop bein’ mad all the time. Stop just hatin’ all the time. C’mon, let’s get some work done together.” News flash to Mr. Obama, I don’t hate you.  I have never met you so I […]
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Another UN School in Gaza

Within hours two interesting articles appeared on the news outlets which one probably influenced the other, and shows how the war in Gaza is going. The first is a tweet indicating that the United Nations Releif and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) that another UN school was found to be the hiding spot of […]
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Hillary Clinton on Hamas

A recent video of Hillary Clinton being interviewed on the current situation in Israel by Jorge Ramos, a Mexican-American reporter for Univision.  The two minute video (on YouTube) shows Hillary talking about the events going on, and her thoughts on it. She mentions a few times when she went over to talk for peace, something […]
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Modified Video of Israel Strike

Israel is working on minimizing civilian causalities in the current conflict in Gaza against hamas.  In return hamas give no warning when they launch a rocket towards Israel.  Yet even doing this, many on the left still charge Israel with war crimes and support hamas. One tactic the Israel military use is called a knock.  […]
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Facebook Page Calling for Death to Israelis

A Facebook page, called Death to zionst baby killer Israeli Jews.  It is interesting that such a page is on Facebook still, and even worse that people like it.  No where should people be pushing for someone else to die. Of course the site states they are supporting hamas and for a free Gaza.  They are also against […]
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Israel Rejects Kerry’s Truce

John Kerry, US Secretary of State, went over to the Middle East in the hopes of gaining a cease-fire between Israel and terrorist group hamas.  So far, the effort is not working as well as Kerry had hoped. Unlike a cease-fire proposed last week by Egypt, which hamas rejected, Israel rejected the proposed cease-fire.  This raises questions, […]
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Religious War

With everything going on in the world, there is one thing the press, democrats and liberals are ignoring, or hope goes away.  The religious war by radical muslims across the Middle East.  There are two spots showing this war in stunning brilliance, yet is ignored. The first area, is the easiest to show, yet liberals […]
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Bill Maher On Who is to Blame in Gaza

Sometimes Bill Maher can make a lot of sense when he is thinking things logically.  Take for example the recent conflict in Gaza between hamas and Israel.  He feels bad for the children and civilians, as many do, who are wounded and killed but he then goes on to ask a serious question many do […]
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Israel’s Defensive Offensive

Gaza, a small area of land under contention for decades, and did not have to be, has led to the rise of terror groups like hamas.  These groups go out, buy weapons with the intention of killing Israel citizens.  They care nothing for any civilian living in Gaza, women or children.  As a result of […]
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Busy News Day Yesterday

Two major events happened yesterday. First off, Malaysian Flight 17, a 777 airliner, was shot down by a missile over Ukraine.  Now things were confusing at first, and some on CNN even said there was no way a missile could have done this.  By the afternoon the US had come out saying it had been […]
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Improved Tranquility in the World. Really?

Yesterday the White House press secretary, Josh Earnest, told reporters how the Obama administration has improved the world’s tranquility. Let’s get this straight, we have ISIS trying to create its own nation, Iraq on the brink of civil war, violence in Syria, fighting between Russia and the Ukraine and basically war between Israel and hamas, […]
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