A Dark Conspiracy to a Dictator

I am going to start this post by giving a disclaimer.  This is a conspiracy idea, not factual, nor is it real (at least I hope it never become real). We are closer than ever before in our history as a country to having a dictator.  No, I do not mean Trump, or anything the […]
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Don’t Force Your Lifestyle On Me!

How many times have conservatives heard this, or even Americans in general heard the following phrase: “Don’t force your lifestyle on me!” I’m sure by now you’ve heard this phrase in one way or another throughout your lifetime.  I’ve seen it many times, from my political view to religious views, its a mantra of the […]
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So, I really haven’t been watching this movement much but it appears to be gaining strength lately.  I decided to go and watch a few videos. The last couple of days was spent watching videos of the WalkAway movement and videos of those on the left dismissing the movement.  It was interesting to watch. Watching […]
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Political Sexual Assault and the Left

So the recent firing of Bill O’Reilly leaves me wondering about feminism and what it actually considers to be worth going after. There is a report, ongoing, that O’Reilly propositioned some women to go back to his hotel room.  This is apparently sexual harassment to the left, after all O’Reilly is a conservative in their […]
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YouTuber’s Response to Trigglypuff

This guy does a great job talking about the woman who constantly interrupted a conservative forum, much better than I could. The young man goes by Some Black Guy on youtube, well done sir, well done. I can’t get past her screaming, sounds like nails on a chalkboard.
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Steven Crowder Owns Social Justice Warriors

So, have you seen this: Good job Mr. Crowder, good job. At an event called “The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far” students against hearing this started to disrupt the forum even before it started.  It shows that today’s youth don’t care about free speech, or even hearing an opposing view.
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Liberal Apologists

Looking though many liberal websites and such the realization that liberals are out of touch with reality is apparent.  Indeed, the night of the radical muslim attacks on Paris, MSNBC had on a person who said what the real reason for the attacks were. Did they blame religion? No. Did they blame muslims? No. Did they […]
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Lois Lerner’s E-mails

Newly surfaced e-mails from Lois Lerner have shown, that in fact, she was biased against Republicans and conservatives.  In several pages released, see below for a page.  Lois calls Republicans a number of names, and even insinuates they are more dangerous than foreign terrorists. Note to Lerner, when was the last time a Republican blew […]
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Seeing the Bias in Journalism

The New York Times recently had an article showing how the US Supreme Court Justices were located in regards to how they voted on cases. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/27/upshot/a-more-nuanced-breakdown-of-the-supreme-court.html?smid=tw-nytimes&_r=0 The picture is too small to see the details, but the first impression this photo gives is that the SCOTUS appears to lean conservative.  That’s exactly what the Times […]
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IRS Scandal

Yes, I’m calling it a scandal not a conspiracy, or a might have happened, but a scandal. The latest news about this scandal revolves around missing e-mails from Lois Lerner.  Now, for several years members of Congress have been asking for these e-mails, hoping they shed some light on what happened.  Some believe these e-mails […]
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