I am going to start this post by giving a disclaimer. This is a conspiracy idea, not factual, nor is it real (at least I hope it never become real). We are closer than ever before in our history as a country to having a dictator. No, I do not mean Trump, or anything the […]
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Posts tagged with 'supporters'
Well, its the beginning of a new year, and in a few weeks the beginning of a new administration. One upon which almost no one foresaw. Now eight years ago a man named Barrack Obama had won the election and would become the new President. Everyone on the left was full of hope (and change). […]
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PC Killing Debate
It’s been more than a week since Trump won. It was a surprise. In fact the entire election this year was a surprise, full of everything you could imagine. While watching many of the news videos from election day I ran across an interesting discussion from one guest a local news station, I think in […]
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Colloge Campuses Gone Wild
Nope, this isn’t one of those X-rated things, though that actually has more intelligence behind it than what’s happening lately on college campuses. The darlings of the educational system, the liberal students full of tolerance for the LGBT, and muslims are showing a different side lately during the election this year. Its a side of ugliness […]
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Sanders Supporters
I can’t say this is true, yet the stupidity of Sanders supporters makes such memes sound truthful. If it is true, it only shows how dumb and ignorant Sanders supporters really are.
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Clinton Supporters
And liberals say they are not blind sheep.
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