With everything going on with the Supreme Court nomination involving Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser for sexual assault its time to step back a second.
Have we become a nation where someone’s claim is taken as absolute fact?
This is a serious question for the problem at hand when dealing with sexual assault. Its a terrible crime, but yet, it appears there are those who have no problem screaming about how anyone accused is automatically guilty of that assault.
The internet is full of such accusations on men from all walks of life and all colors. The problem isn’t one that awareness needs to be heightened, but of validity.
For every claim there are stories of men being falsely accused by women for a variety of reasons. Many of these men have had their entire lives destroyed as people believed the accuser instead of the facts.
Some of these men have had promising careers ended as they went to jail for something they never committed only to have the woman recount her story years later.
It is this ambiguity that we find ourselves with Kavanaugh which is amplified by the politics. He is nominated by Trump, who the left hates everything about. They have already tried the sexism card through abortion. When that failed to change people’s minds suddenly this assault comes up.
An assault 30+ years old and shrouded in mystery.
As expected the left automatically assumed it must be real, and due to that Kavanaugh must step down from being a candidate. However there is a major problem here, and that is another assault done by a democrat which has a lot more evidence, including a police report.
The left is ignoring this report. In fact they’ve ignored such actions from many high-profile Democrats and its donors (where is the trial for Harvey Weinstein). Its something they left has no problem tossing out knowing it will get the fanbase upset and they don’t have to provide evidence, only the accusation.
So long as the left ignores people like Clinton, Weinstein and a host of others this will be seen by many as a political ploy. And if it turns out this was a false report, it will have a devastating impact on future women who are really assaulted.
Another problem is democrats are tossing so much out there about this that the story seems to change everyday. This person says they were there and it happened, then the next day they retract the statement, she is willing to be put on the stand, then she isn’t.
Perhaps its time, especially with accusations of sexual assault, that we go back to innocent until proven guilty. If we don’t, relations between the sexes will only get worse.
Okay, let’s see if you are accommodating to reasonable debate.
“Have we become a nation where someone’s claim is taken as absolute fact?”
Nope. If that were the case, Kavanaugh would be in criminal court right now. He’s not. He is very likely going to be appointed to the Supreme Court. So, claims are not even remotely being taken as absolute fact, obviously. Instead, what is happening is that we have only begun to become a nation where if a credible charge of assault is made, it is taken seriously and investigated, and the woman is not slut-shamed. She is still disbelieved without cause and harassed, as Ford is discovering right now, but at the very least she is not being dismissed out of hand. How horrible that is for accused rapists.
“… it appears there are those who have no problem screaming about how anyone accused is automatically guilty of that assault.”
As there are those who have no problem screaming about how Hillary runs a child sex trafficking ring out of a pizza joint. We call these people “extremists.” Most of the people on the left are not saying he’s automatically guilty, they’re saying “there’s a credible charge being made, we have to investigate this and be cautious.” False charge; straw man fallacy.
On a side comment, it is sad that Kavanaugh’s provable counts of perjury seem to matter not at all. Shouldn’t perjury disqualify you from a Supreme Court position? If you are truly concerned with justice as you imply, and are a fair judge, then answer me that.
“For every claim there are stories of men being falsely accused by women for a variety of reasons.”
Wow, 50%? Boy, that’s wrong. The FBI tags the rate at 8%, but that number is only so high because it includes rapes that were discounted when no weapon was used or the victim did not fight back enough to leave evidence of defense. The actual rate is generally agreed to be as low as 2%, and not credibly higher than 10%—and that is a rate determined by a system that favors rapists and disfavors their accusers.
Consider also that 60-80% of all actual rapes go unreported. Why? Because women have been horribly abused when they report rape. They are required to bring substantial affirmative evidence in a crime that leaves little or none, and in the meantime, they are slut-shamed and endlessly attacked on the stand, blamed for their own assaults.
But in the meantime, I would suggest that you take your own standard seriously: you said that if liberals complain about Kavanaugh and not Ellison, then it is political and therefore unworthy. OK, did you live up to that standard? When you made this post, did you also report that 60 to 80% of all rapes go unreported, and speak just as eloquently to how women’s lives have been ruined by rape and assault but had little or no legal recourse? That even today, in a he-said-she-said environment—in a court of law—the man has the automatic advantage? That convictions for rape or assault typically require an abundance of conclusive evidence in a crime that by its nature leaves little if any of that? Because I don’t see you addressing that anywhere.
Do you live up to your own standard?
“An assault 30+ years old and shrouded in mystery.”
What mystery? It’s pretty out there now. And, yes, she did not report it at the time. Why? Probably because it was the 1980’s, she was 17, and her alleged attacker was a well-to-do rich kid whose mother was a judge. If the attack took place as described, there would be no evidence she could point to, no witnesses not complicit in the crime, and even if the police did press charges, which would have been totally unlikely, Ford would have been shredded and slut-shamed by the defense attorney. Add to that the profile of victims of assault in which a range of reactions and circumstances make it extremely difficult, emotionally and socially in addition to legally, for a victim to step forward. We are only now just beginning to see society trend towards simply taking reports of assault—which are clearly rampant—seriously.
“… that is another assault done by a democrat which has a lot more evidence, including a police report.”
See my comments on your Facebook page.
Many men have, for decades, assumed it was OK to force themselves on women, making all kinds of justifications for it. She asked for it, she wanted it, I couldn’t help myself, it was a momentary lapse and should not destroy my life, that’s not who I am, boys will be boys. And they were believed and upheld by society and the law, any woman who dared speak out shamed and blamed. Even you add to that, making the false equivalency about untrue accusations. Now the tide of justice is turning only slightly in the other direction—and many men are screaming bloody murder, as if everything used to be OK but now this is going too far.
That’s privilege. When you have a position of privilege, even the slightest move in the direction of equality feels to you like oppression.
“Have we become a nation where someone’s claim is taken as absolute fact?”
Nope. If that were the case, Kavanaugh would be in criminal court right now. He’s not.”
I’m going to stop you right here. You’ve got him convicted already without a trial, which means my original statement is true, not false. You can’t even counter the original argument without emotion. In this country we are innocent until proven guilty, however the media has already convicted him, as they do with countless number of other people and cases.
Also, my stories are more than just ‘rape’, but many stories of guys falsely accused. The fact you don’t wish to see that shows you don’t care about getting it right.
You also failed to see what the post was about due to you reading and seeing what you wanted to read, typical of your type (its also typical of an emotional reply). I suggest you open your mind, go beyond your bubble and understand I wrote sexual assault, not rape. For future reference, define what that is, you’ll find depending on who you talk to it varies.
Here is a question, if a woman falsely accuses a guy or sexual assault, should she be punished?
The problem is women are not anymore trustworthy than guys are. You cry wolf too many times it hurts those who really are victims.
This piece was actually written before all of this, but I modified it to include it due to current politics.