Snowflakes Mentally Tough?

A few months ago my leftist friends posted a lot of things about how they were not snowflakes.  They were mentally tough, and so on and so forth.  I let it go, wasn’t worth anything back then. Fast forward to today and things have changed quite a bit now.  The left has become more of […]
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Liberal Logic?

So, a bit of liberal logic according tot them. If a Catholic priest is found with pictures of child porn on his computer, its a sign for the left to tell the jokes that all priests are pedophiles, and perverts.  Its a reason why the Catholic religion is a plague on humanity. If a white […]
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Real Heroes

Browsing through twitter yesterday I cam across the political gauntlet of things.  Ferguson, New York, racial baiting all over the place.  People screaming bout how bad the police are, some even calling for violence against cops. Then I saw a picture which changed my thinking yesterday.  It touched me more than any protest picture from […]
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Enterovirus Infecting Kids

Have you heard about this virus?  No?  Its a virus that is spreading though children all across the country.  It acts like a normal cold, but can quickly turn into a serious illness.  It effects children and teens the most, as they do not have the immunity of previous infections. If you look at other […]
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Wear Gold in September

Thanks to the good work of Aaron Rodgers, and the Blaze, I became aware of this important topic once more.  Every October while watching the NFL players around the league don funny looking pink shoes, towels, socks, etc in support of raising awareness and money to fight breast cancer. Now, thanks to an 11 year-old […]
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The ISIS Threat

More people now know about the growing threat of isis, or isil, or Islamic State.  This group, which President Obama and his staff referred to as a ‘jayvee’ team has grown in the past couple of months and is terrorizing entire areas of Iraq. ISIS is a group which hates anyone that does not follow their […]
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ISIS Recruits Children for Jihad

Thanks to the folks over at VICE News for this video. What could be more dangerous than a group of radicals using the Islamic religion for their own personal gain?  These same radicals who round up men, take them out in trucks and shoot them?  The same group which has no problem beheading men, women […]
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Immigrant Medical Emergency?

So, I read a story here, and it alarms me a bit, especially if its true.  The article mentions medical staff members who were/are treating the immigrating children coming into the USA. There is horrible stories of lice, scabies, as well as measles and small pox among the diseases in the set up camp.  To […]
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The US Immigration Problem

I’ve heard all the sides, how immigrates have helped make this country great.  Yes I understand it, even had a grandpa who would use illegals on his farm before the Second World War. However, there is a problem liberals don’t want to face, or realize.  The immigrates of yesteryear are not what’s coming across today.  […]
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