Presidential Candidates

I do not know about you, but I have not been too interested in potential candidates for the US President yet.

In my opinion its too early for such campaigning, yet both sides are already both sides are turning out candidates, spending money and journalists are already pushing their favorites (can we say Clinton).

I view it like seeing Christmas decorations in your favorite store in August.


With so many other issues, its seems like the candidates are actually shielding the President from criticism over his policies as reporters focus not on him, but what a candidate is saying they ‘might’ do.

Immigration is a big one, everyone is focused on what Trump said, they are ignoring what Obama is actually doing.

Perhaps its time we move announcing anyone is running until November 1st of the year before an election, give them a year to woo voters.  It just seems like every election the process starts earlier and earlier.  Won’t be long until we’ll start hearing candidates announcing they are running right after the elections.

Oh wait, someone already said they are running in 2020.

Its enough to make a sane man go insane.