Pelosi Undermines US Strategy on ISIS and Troops

House democrat Nancy Pelosi is showing us once more how the left think about radical muslim groups like ISIS.  Earlier this week Pelosi made the following comment about sending ground troops in against ISIS. “The worse it gets the less reason I think we should send troops.” Now, the humorous, and political knee jerk reaction […]
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Jeanine Pirro’s Criticism of Obama

Jeanine Pirro, a former judge, and Fox News correspondent, on Saturday delivered an epic criticism of President Obama and his recent speeches on ISIL, or ISIS. “After weeks of dithering on ISIS, no strategy, containing them, degrading them, and destroying them, finally, we are clear-eyed. A definitive counter-terrorism campaign against the Islamic state, but not […]
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Obama’s Waning Popularity

The media continue to play up Obama’s popularity, as he remains popular with left wing reporters.  But to the average person who is still struggling to work, or is working harder and seeing less return in their paycheck, things are not as rosy. Add in a few more problems that the President has caused himself […]
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Obama’s ISIS Gaff Continues

It has not even been a week since Obama uttered those now infamous words, “We don’t have a strategy yet”.  Now, every since then people have taken shots at his words, and they should. Of course the very next day the administration was already on clean up duty, trying their best to minimalize the damage […]
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Obama’s ISIS Strategy

Imagine if you will going back in time to before the D-Day invasion of France in World War 2.  Eisenhower gets before the press and notifies them all that the landing site of the invasion will be at Normandy.  Sounds like something only an idiot would do, right. Fast forward to present day.  A radical […]
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