ESPN Firings

So, word came out that 100 people at ESPN are losing their jobs.  What is telling is what they are doing and how people are reacting to it. Numbers are down over at the sports channel, the one which when it first came out wow its audience. It was sports, sports, sports.  24/7 sports and […]
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Higher Pay Reality

Liberals are demanding many things these days, including higher pay.  But this meme actually reveals an interesting truth liberals don’t wish to consider. I have heard liberals say companies can afford higher costs for workers.  While that is true for some companies, it is not for all companies.  Those companies will be forced to either […]
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Pay Equality

Pay equality is one of those theories the liberals toss about.  Let’s make everyone equal. Its a simple message to the masses, and one which they defend by calling anyone whose against it greedy.  However the reality took a huge slap in the face recently. A small credit company decided to do this, make everyone’s […]
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Hillary Clinton Backpeddles on Jobs Comment

By now just about everyone no strictly listening to MSNBC or CNN has heard of Hillary Clinton’s blunder on corporation and jobs while at a Boston rally for a fellow democrat. “Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses create jobs,” Clinton said. It seems like her gaffe is causing her people some heartaches.  […]
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Another Dumb Democrat Statement

Democrats have been working to see who can come up with the dumbest statement lately.  Friday, at a Boston rally for Martha Coakley, Hillary Clinton came away with another whooper by the party which claims to be so smart. “Don’t let anybody tell you it’s corporations and businesses create jobs,” Clinton said. There you have […]
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