Media Problems

So far, 2019 is not yet two months old, we are about 50 days into the new year and already there has been a lot going on in the world of media and journalists.  Let’s look at three of the biggest stories against the leftist media. Let’s start with the whole release of journalists from […]
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President Trump fires FBI Director Comey

So, the big news this week was Tuesday President Trump fired FBI director James Comey. This is a big deal, but made even bigger by the left-wingers who made themselves look foolish over it.  For months they’ve scorned Comey over his handling of Clinton’s e-mails, and some are even claiming he lost Hillary her bid […]
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Real World Work

College kids, those special snowflakes as some call them have grown up and gone though school thinking a theory of a world around them.  They fail to understand that theory doesn’t always apply. Some special snowflakes got a large does of reality recently. It appears a group of college kids were interning at a business […]
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Security Guard Loses Job by doing Job

The twists and irony of this next tale will leave the reader’s mind spinning. It goes like this, a Target security guard while monitoring the store noticed a shoplifter.  Reporting it to his manager, who appeared to recognize the man and was told to wait.  Sure enough a few days later the same shoplifter returned, […]
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