State Dept. Responds to Obama’s Security Meetings

After Obama once again opened his mouth and created another bad press for himself the White House and State Department have gone into damage control.  What happened?

Obama, under public pressure over ISIS, threw the intelligence community under the bus by blaming them. The President stated the intelligence underestimated the threat of ISIS.  Staffers have come out stating that they have indeed warned the President of the threat.

What came out as well is how little the President attends security meetings.  In this year he has attended 37% of the meetings.

Predictably the State Department tried to come to Obama’s rescue.  Jen Psaki, a State Department spokesperson, had trouble defending the fact Obama has not been attending his meetings and said the following.

“Well, I have no validation of those statistics,” said Psaki. “There are a range of ways that you can get your intelligence briefings on the road, in the White House, and I know that he receives those whenever he can.”

He receives then whenever he can?

Obama is the President of the United States of America.

Obama is the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.

It is his job to understand the threats to the nation.  So the question is if he receives then whenever he can, what else is he doing?  Its time the President start taking his job seriously, or step down and allow someone who will take this job seriously.