The youth of today don’t know what Socialism is. They hear about how great it is, and that’s the lure. It sounds great. Equality for all. However the truth is much harder, stark and depressing. A professor I back about 1990 or so, was from Poland. He told us a story of the first time his mom […]
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Posts tagged with 'food'
Detention for Sharing
By now, we all know how poor our education system is when it comes to discipline. It seems like kids cannot do anything in todays world, especially a good deed without being punished for it. For example take Kyle Bradford, a 13 year old at Weaverville Elementary School in Weaverville, California. He went thought the […]
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Changing Food in Schools for Worse
Remember in years gone past, having a bake sale at school? Or how about selling candy bars to raise money for a school trip for the band, or your school sports team? Chances are the older you are, the more likely you are to remember something like this. I even remember going door to door […]
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