Liberals Blame Girls

What happens in Germany when a grandfather asks a mayor about muslim ‘refugees’ that the government has taken in about safety concerns he has for his 10-year-old daughter? Well that question actually happened in a town meeting recently and the results are stunning. When presented the question the mayor responded with the following: “That’s easy, […]
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Liberal Apologists

Looking though many liberal websites and such the realization that liberals are out of touch with reality is apparent.  Indeed, the night of the radical muslim attacks on Paris, MSNBC had on a person who said what the real reason for the attacks were. Did they blame religion? No. Did they blame muslims? No. Did they […]
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Terrorists Are Radical Muslims

There have been a few people, especially the left, who continue to come out refusing to acknowledge that the majority of terrorists in today’s world are radical muslims. Here is an interesting question for the left who refuse to call terrorists radical muslims.  Why then are the terror suspects held in Guantanamo Bay being allowed […]
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Howard Dean: Paris Killers Not Muslim

Well, another wacky liberal has opened his mouth and spouted what every liberal is thinking.  This liberal is Howard Dean and his comments were about the recent terror attack in Paris. “You know, this is a chronic problem. I stopped calling these people Muslim terrorists. They’re about as Muslim as I am. I mean, they […]
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Malik Obama

Malik Obama, our current US President’s half-brother, step-brother, or whatever they wish to call themselves.  Many of the left name him Barack’s half-brother.  Indeed, the Huffington Post lists about a half dozen articles calling in Obama’s half-brother. Last year he tried to win over the governor in Kenya.  He failed in his run for office, […]
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Religious War

With everything going on in the world, there is one thing the press, democrats and liberals are ignoring, or hope goes away.  The religious war by radical muslims across the Middle East.  There are two spots showing this war in stunning brilliance, yet is ignored. The first area, is the easiest to show, yet liberals […]
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