Liberals Attack Maher Again over Islam

Last Friday Bill Maher once again went against the standing liberal talking points when it comes to islam.  He once more went after liberals for their lack of knowledge of radical islam. On the other side this time was a liberal actor, Ben Affleck.  Maher did not let up, and indeed stated the following: “It’s […]
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Obama Fails to Acknowldge isis Religion in Speech

Yesterday a video surfaced by the terrorist group of sub-humans calling themselves isis.  This group wears black cloth around their heads to prevent their identity from being known.  Before the beheading they promised war. Now about a day later after the video has aired, President Obama finally made a speech about the situation.  This after […]
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Vatican’s Message to Muslim Leaders

One of the most serious problems of the Islamic faith is coming out.  The lack of a strong, central leadership among its many, and varied, worshippers.  It is that fluidness which allows so many to take advantage of the religion. Recently in a strongly worded message to muslim leaders, the Vatican issued a challenge.  Condemn […]
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Christians (and Jews) Mean Nothing to Obama

President Barack Obama recently stated the following remark” The President stated that Ramadan ““reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at home and around the world, […]
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Bill Maher On Who is to Blame in Gaza

Sometimes Bill Maher can make a lot of sense when he is thinking things logically.  Take for example the recent conflict in Gaza between hamas and Israel.  He feels bad for the children and civilians, as many do, who are wounded and killed but he then goes on to ask a serious question many do […]
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